RSA is just a few weeks away, and everyone is finalizing his or her dance cards. There are multiple opportunities to meet the Endgame team, and talk about everything from the Endgame Hunt Cycle to data science to our global network of honeypot sensors to gender diversity in the cybersecurity workplace.
1. Booth 2127– Stop by our RSA booth to learn how Endgame detects known and unknown adversarial techniques and eradicates them from enterprise networks.
2. Lightning Tech Talks– We’re excited to share with you some of the great work of our R&D team. Building upon the theme of multi-layer detection, we’ll show you three distinct approaches to detection. The first focuses on strategic level trends, providing insights garnered from our global honeypot network. The second dives into dynamic malware analysis and the tit-for-tat interactions of defenders and attackers. The final talk describes our automated malware classification capabilities, which build upon the broad expertise of our data science team.
3. Personalized demo– Overwhelmed by the crowds and prefer a more quiet and calm environment to take a look at the Endgame platform? Schedule a private demo here.